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Gelato Woocommerce app health status check and webhooks
Gelato Woocommerce app health status check and webhooks
Updated over a week ago

If you experience technical issues with your Woocommerce integration and Gelato app you can check the status of the Gelato app via your WordPress/Woocommerce dashboard. It can be found in the section Gelato app → Status

Copying the Gelato app status

In case of any problem with the app, please send our customer service team a copy of the content of the status page. Please see the image attached below as a reference.



In addition to the above, please also provide us with a screenshot of your Woocommerce webhooks page. There should be six webhooks like in the following screenshot. You can find this page as follow: Woocommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> Webhooks


Webhook Logs

If all six webhooks are present like in the above screenshot but you are facing issues connecting your store or orders to Gelato, our technical team will find the webhook logs useful. You can find this log from Woocommerce > Status > Logs:


Resetting your Connection to Gelato and Troubleshooting

  • WooCommerce Webhooks => FAIL

Please go to section GelatoStatus and check the connection with Gelato. If shown as FAIL, please click on the Reset plugin button on the bottom left-hand side. Gelato REST API and Webhooks in WooCommerce advanced settings will be removed. Next, try to connect the store again to Gelato.


Alternatively, you can deactivate Gelato integration for WooCommerce in the Plugins section. It will trigger Gelato REST API and Webhooks in WooCommerce advanced settings to be removed.


Please note that the reset plugin button or plugin deactivation works in the same way. The only difference is that after plugin deactivation you need to press Activate back again to make the plugin active.

  • Check site redirection => FAIL

Please go to WordPress -> Settings -> General and change the domain in the configuration to HTTPS from HTTP and set up SSL. You could refer to

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